
Virtual Team Building Events

Activity Description

(This can be played outdoors on the ground, or ideally inside on a gym floor)

Have all your students pair up (size and/or gender does not matter). Each pair will choose a spot anywhere in the playing area and sit side by side. The leader will choose one pair to start, with one player being the “Cat” and the other the “Mouse." The object of the game is for the “Cat” to chase and catch the “Mouse”.

When the leader signals the start of the game the “Cat” will begin to chase the “Mouse”. The “Mouse can run and sit next to any pair that’s on the floor. When he sits down, the person on the opposite end of the pair will get up and become the new “Cat” and the old “Cat” will then become the new “Mouse”. This will repeat itself until the “Cat” catches the “Mouse” and then the game
can be restarted.

This is a fast-paced game that may take a time or two for everyone to fully understand what’s going on. However, once they get it, the quick change of directions is quite entertaining to watch. We’ve also found that this helps and includes those students who aren’t so athletically inclined to be involved.

Cat And Mouse Youth Game

Basic Details
Property Type : Youth Games
Listing Type : Placeholder
Activity Type : Youth Games
Focus On : Having Fun
Outcome Based : No, just fun
Facilities : Indoor, Outdoor
Props Required : None
Duration : 6 - 15 minutes
Exertion Level : Low
Group Size : 1 - 8, 9 - 16, 17 - 30, 31+
Age : Youth